Saturday 25 April 2015

hope over fear: the ugly side of scottish nationalism

thousands massed in freedom square (george square), glasgow today for an almost comical outpouring of nationalistic fervour. the gathering was organised and led by flag waver in chief, tommy sheridan. of course, it's a great thing that politics north of the border has become so energised but this, i'm afraid, was a demonstration of all the ugliest aspects of political patriotism. sheridan is a notorious ego maniac, who was willing to lie in court and throw old comrades under the bus in the process. therefore any attempt by him to resuscitate his failed political career must be viewed with suspicion. to be fair to the snp, they do realise this and it's why nicola sturgeon and the majority of the party distanced themselves from todays goings-on. 

perhaps the most puzzling aspect of todays events is the idea, amongst the participants that somehow their politics are progressive, or even socialist, in the case of mr sheridan. the aggressive fomenting of grievance based upon which side, of a man made border you are born on is, at its core, regressive. the gathers here were advocating a kind of politics where solidarity is expressed only with others who, by complete chance, happen to be born on the same part of this tiny little rock. this was a celebration of national and cultural identity that has usually been associated with the far right but despite the leftist rhetoric the divisions which are being excaserbated by sheridan and his gang are just as dangerous. slogans such as 'fuck off westmonster' and 'drap deed david cameron' come from the same ideological foundations as the rhetoric used by ukip against immigrants and europe. ironically, the people gathered at freedom square espousing anti-tory sentiment have far more in common with the patriotic right wing than they seem to realise. 

in amongst the flag waving and anthem singing there was a bizarre document doing the rounds. snp councillor pat lee was circulating a 'universal declaration of independence' for signatures. it seems a bit odd to partake in a rally at freedom square whilst simultaneously advocating the subversion of a free and fair, democratic referendum. 

fortunately for everyone, pat lee, tommy sheridan and their kilted followers do not represent mainstream scottish nationalism. if nothing else, we should be thankful for that. 

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