Monday 1 June 2015

Putin and his Western apologists

For more than a decade now sections of the British left have been fawning over reactionary tyrant Vladimir Putin. From Ukraine to FIFA there are certain members of what some may describe as the Chomskyite left who will parrot Russian propaganda word for word. I personally am uncomfortable with throwing Professor Chomsky in with George Galloway and the like- his writings tend to contain a degree of nuance and empiricism which are lacking from his self appointed disciples.  Nevertheless what is clear is that there is a very obvious yearning for the Cold War certainties of the 20th century. I can very well understand the impulse to defend, rightly or wrongly the actions of the Soviet Union against Western capitalism but that’s all finished now. The wall came down and in preceding 2 decades Yeltsin and Putin have set about creating an authoritarian form of Russian nationalism, which has abandoned free services for the free market.